Turn Ashes into Diamonds - The Process of Cremation Diamonds

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At a time of loss, we often search for something tangible to remember our loved ones by. Precious mementos—such as jewelry made from cremation diamonds—are becoming increasingly popular as a way to honor those who have passed away and keep their memories alive. Keep reading to learn more about this beautiful and meaningful way to commemorate your beloved family members and friends.

Ashes to Diamonds | The Process to turn Ashes into Diamonds

What are Cremation Diamonds?

Cremation diamonds are special gems that are grown in a lab using the carbon from the ashes of a deceased person. The process begins with the collection of ashes or hair from the deceased. Any remaining biological material is then processed into graphite, which is then placed into a special diamond growing chamber. Over the course of several weeks, the graphite is converted into diamond crystals through the application of heat and pressure. Once complete, each cremation diamond is unique, just like its source material!


The Benefits of Cremation Diamond Jewelry

One of the biggest benefits of cremation diamond jewelry is that it provides families with a tangible reminder of their loved one's life and legacy. Unlike traditional jewelry such as gold or silver, cremation diamonds hold significant sentimental value because they're created directly from the ashes or hair of someone you love deeply. This makes them an incredibly meaningful gift for yourself or someone else who has recently lost someone special in their life. They also make fantastic keepsakes for future generations; after all, what better way to preserve your family's history than with something that literally contains some part of your ancestor?


Another benefit is that cremation diamond jewelry can be crafted into almost any piece imaginable; necklaces, rings, earrings, bracelets - you name it! You can even customize pieces with engravings or other design elements such as birthstones or symbols for added personalization. This level of customization ensures that no two pieces will ever look alike - making them even more special and unique to each individual wearer!          

Finally, cremation diamond jewelry is relatively affordable compared to other types of memorial jewelry on the market today. With prices starting at around $200 per piece (depending on size and complexity), it's an accessible way to honor your loved one without breaking the bank.            

No matter how you choose to commemorate your beloved family member or friend who has passed away, there's no denying that cremation diamonds offer an incredibly meaningful alternative to traditional memorial items such as headstones or plaques. They provide families with an incredibly personal reminder that their loved one will always be close by - even after death - making them truly priceless in every sense of the word!               


Conclusion:  Precious mementos such as cremation diamond jewelry provide us with lasting reminders of our beloved family members and friends who have passed away – reminding us that they will always be close by no matter what happens in life. Cremation diamonds offer an affordable way to commemorate our loved ones while still providing us with a beautiful piece we can cherish forever – making them a truly invaluable choice when it comes time to honor those we’ve lost in our lives. Whether you’re shopping for yourself or someone else who has experienced loss recently, consider investing in some type of cremains-based memorial item as a symbol that their memory will live on forever!

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