Understanding the World of Graph Games

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While graphic design and video games may not seem to have anything in common at first glance, the world of graph games brings the two together in a unique and exciting way. Often referred to as "games with a purpose," graph games use visual elements to encourage people to complete tasks that will ultimately contribute to scientific research and understanding. So, if you're interested in both gaming and science, it's time to delve into the world of graph game (그래프게임).

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Firstly, let's define what a graph is just to give you a better idea of what makes graph games unique. A graph refers to a visual representation of complex data that is organized in a format that can be easily understood and analyzed. In the case of graph games, the data that these games represent is collected from users as they play, and contributes to scientific research in areas such as medicine, psychology, biology, and even computing. Graph games can be found across a range of platforms, and typically involve completing tasks such as moving objects around or sorting elements into categories. The data collected through these tasks can then be analyzed by researchers, providing valuable insights and contributing to larger bodies of research.

One example of a popular graph game is Phylo, which is a puzzle game that helps researchers with DNA analysis. In Phylo, players arrange different strands of DNA to find the most optimal match. This contributes to the understanding of how different elements of DNA interact with each other and can help improve our understanding of various illnesses and diseases. Another graph game is Foldit, which invites players to solve complex protein folding puzzles. This is important because proteins are the building blocks of many lifeforms, and understanding how they fold can be invaluable in the development of new medicines. Both of these games, and many others like them, offer a fun and engaging way for people to contribute to important scientific research.

Graph games are not just reserved for scientific research, however. There are also games that focus purely on entertainment, and use graphs as part of their visual design. A great example of this is the game Monument Valley, which features a graphically beautiful world that bends and twists as you play. This game is all about finding the right perspective to solve puzzles and progress through the levels. The game's use of graph-like visuals is a testament to the role that graphics play in making a game feel immersive and enjoyable. Other games like Return of the Obra Dinn make use of graphs to help players solve mysteries as they explore a more traditional game world.


Overall, graph games are an exciting and innovative way to combine the worlds of gaming and science. By inviting players to complete tasks that contribute to research, these games offer a unique opportunity for people to help advance scientific understanding. At the same time, the use of graphs in gaming more broadly also shows how important visual design is to make a game feel compelling and enjoyable. Whether you're a scientist or just enjoy playing games, graph games are well worth trying out. By playing these games, you can have fun while also making a valuable contribution to scientific research. Give it a go and see what discoveries you might uncover!

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