Media Wall Electric Fireplaces: The Perfect Addition To Your Home

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A media wall electric fire is a beautiful addition to any living space. It is both aesthetically pleasing and easy to install. It’s also safe for curious children, unlike gas fireplaces. Before you buy a media wall fire, consider your space carefully. It’s important to choose a model that will fit comfortably in the space without protruding too much.

Easy To Install

Media wall electric fireplace can be fitted in a recess within the stud walls of a room, which can make them easier to install than inset or outset gas fires. They also provide the added benefit of being able to mount your TV above the fireplace, creating a one-of-a-kind entertainment center. The dazzling flame effect of these fires evokes the hypnotic dance of real flames, creating a mesmerizing focal point for your room. With a variety of visual settings, you can change the brightness and color of the flames to suit your mood.

Many media wall electric fires also boast a low heat output, which means they won't rack up expensive energy bills. Some even have open window detection, which automatically reduces the heat if it detects a sudden drop in room temperature (typically indicating that a door or window is ajar). This feature helps to prevent unnecessary energy waste and ensures your electric fire operates safely.

Aesthetically Pleasing

A media wall with fire looks stunning in any room and is a great way to update an existing space. It also creates a unified appearance and allows you to put your TV and entertainment systems together. Media walls can be fitted with electric fires that have an inbuilt fan heater. This means they work differently to gas or solid fuel fireplaces, generating warmth through the heating of air rather than through radiation. This makes them a cost-effective option and perfect for adding ambiance and supplementary heat to a space.

The hypnotic dancing flame patterns of eletric fires can be further enhanced with the use of colour-changing LED lighting. Gazco offers a wide range of sleek electric fires for your media wall, from contemporary crystal-ice designs to more realistic log-burning styles. Some models feature open window detection which automatically reduces the heat output when the fireplace detects a sudden drop in room temperature, helping to avoid energy waste.


Media wall electric fireplaces offer a more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional wood-burning stoves and gas fires. They typically produce low heat output, which is perfect for supplementary heating or taking the edge off a chilly room. Additionally, they can be easily controlled using smart connectivity, allowing you to adjust your fire and mood lighting with ease from the comfort of your sofa. Many models of media wall fire come with features such as programmable timers, open window detection, and ambient mood lights. These functions help to minimize energy consumption and increase safety, ensuring that your fire isn’t left on when you’re not at home.

In addition to these features, some electric media walls have built-in thermostats that allow you to maintain a desired room temperature and automatically reduce or turn off the heat output when needed. This eliminates the need to manually adjust the setting and saves both time and money.

Simple To Control

The hypnotic dance of flame patterns is a captivating focal point in any room and is completely customizable with various visual effects. Depending on your personal taste you can select from a wide range of flame styles and even control the color-changing LED mood lighting to create an immersive experience. The inset design of pre made media wall electric fires means that they’re recessed into the wall for a seamless finish and a sleek appearance. They’re also easier to maintain than traditional log fires, requiring no messy cleaning and providing peace of mind for families with small children.

Bespoke media walls are a fantastic addition to any living space and can be built in a variety of configurations to suit your individual requirements. For example, many have extra shelving for decorative items or hide-away storage to keep game consoles and large TV boxes out of sight. This can help you to save valuable floor space that could be better used for guests’ seating or a desk.


Unlike wood or gas fires, media wall suites don't require a chimney and can be installed more quickly. Plus, most have a low heat output so they are more like a complement to your central heating system and provide cosy ambience.

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