Using #GoOpenVA
#GoOpenVA Links to an external site. is a repository created by the Virginia Department of Education "teachers are empowered to support personalized learning for all their students by creating, using and sharing openly-licensed digital resources." You can find content to use in your classes, create new content, or remix existing content from the repository. Topics include computer science, English, history/social studies, science, math, and much more, in a variety of item types.
Here is a video walking you through the navigation from Virtual Virginia.
Here is a quick video walking you through viewing results in #GoOpenVA.
Check out the following links to learn more about #GoOpenVA.
Browsing collections Links to an external site.
Refine your search Links to an external site.
Create a resource with Open Author Links to an external site.
Remix a resource Links to an external site.
Other help topics are available through the Help Center Links to an external site.. Feel free to check out other links there, or click Next below if you're ready to move on.